Dragon Slayer - Although there are no notable rewards for OSRS Gold this quest, it's still the toughest mission for free players to participate in and an icon for RuneScape. With no doubt, this mission should be completed as soon as possible.
Dwarf Cannon Cannons Making Cannonballs A great weapon for nearly all fights. Cannons fire special ammunition that will cause harm to your opponent without player involvement. It basically means you are equipped with a weapon that aids to fight off enemies All you need to do is set it down. Furthermore, creating cannonballs may be an excellent early game gold maker.
Ghost Ahoy - Ectophial: Useful item for getting out of difficult situations as it instantly transports the users to Ectofuntus. It can also be used to make prayer training in this place faster.Medium length of quest. Fairytale Part 1 and 2 Gain access to Fairy Ring teleportation system: It is essential when traveling to certain locations around Gielinor and is extremely convenient to travel in.
Druidic Ritual Druidic Ritual Herblore - Has to be completed to begin training in this skill. Rune Mysteries - Runecrafting - This must be completed order to get started with this skill. This skill can be mastered in Varrock. Plague City - Ardougne Teleport Unlocking Teleports are always convenient. While this isn't needed (you may be tardy by wearing a Skills Necklace and teleporting to Fishing Guild) it is convenient.
Animal Magnetism Ava's Device It is a must-have for Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold anyone who shoots at range. It allows players to avoid wasting ammunition when shooting. Shilo Village - Access to the village, which is home to gemstone rocks (great in mining levels and making money) and the NPC Duradel which is a late-game Slayer master.