In the country, the penal system is as Whatsapp Mobile Number List classist and racist as in others in the region; the difference could be in their high lethality levels. The so-called forces of order, as everywhere, are destined to discipline, control and repress the Whatsapp Mobile Number List popular classes, whom the ruling elites always consider dangerous. That is the real reason for its existence, which is concealed behind different types of speeches, predominantly normative, that invoke the general interest and public security, but that are essentially reduced to the Whatsapp Mobile Number List protection of the few who hold political power and economic.
All this goes back to colonial history. The Whatsapp Mobile Number List Colony was always a police state. The advent of the so-called rule of law, which placed normative limits on power in the central countries, does not reach its peripheries in Whatsapp Mobile Number List way. The inhabitants of the colonies were not considered citizens, but savages, deprived of rights and subject to a state of exception. This idea is still deeply rooted in our countries. Hence some of the justifications for the excesses Whatsapp Mobile Number List of institutional violence, and especially police violence.
In the particular Venezuelan case, the Whatsapp Mobile Number List security forces, from their origins, were marked by their militarization and political-partisan instrumentalization, as well as by their excesses against the popular classes. The logic of the Whatsapp Mobile Number List war, imposed to deal with the armed struggle of the 1960s and 1970s, which left a balance of thousands of cases of human rights violations, will be transferred in the following years to the daily practices of security agencies. Massacres such as the "wells of death", "El Amparo" or "El Caracazo" will be Whatsapp Mobile Number List emblematic for the last decades of our 20th century.