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Feb 09, 2022
In General Discussions
ISO 14001 is a well-known international standard that approaches high-level structure to improve an organization’s environmental performance and reduce its impacts effectively. ISO 14001:2015 is in line with ISO 9001. Therefore, achieving ISO 14001 certification can help you integrate your other management systems to carry out operations effectively. Obtaining ISO 14001 certification allows an organization to analyze, monitor, measure, and reduce the negative impacts on the environment in an effective manner. ISO 14001 certification helps organizations comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements and continually improve their responsibility in the management systems. Additionally, ISO 14001 Certification encourages organizations to achieve their goals, environmental policies as well as their objectives effectively for successful business growth.
Jan 29, 2022
In General Discussions
L’HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) è un approccioscientificoallasicurezzaalimentare, chepuòaiutarti a prevenirefocolai di malattie di originealimentare come salmonella, E. coli e listeria nellatuaorganizzazione. La certificazione HACCP consente ai trasformatori di alimenti di identificare ed eliminare le fonti di contaminazione. Si concentrasullaprevenzionedeirischi per la sicurezzapiuttostoche fare affidamentosucontrolli a campione o test del prodotto finale per garantire la sicurezzaalimentare.
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